Project Management

Management of project cycle from initiation to close out of multi-disciplinary teams for building projects, major civil/ structural projects as well as provision of resident site supervision staff.


Roads, Storm water drainage, water supplies (dams, pipelines treatment reservoirs, reticulation), sewage treatment, trade effluent treatment, sewer reticulation, building drainage, railway sidings, bridges and solid waste.


Heavy and light reinforced, precast and pre-stressed concrete, structural steel work, timber and brick buildings development works in the mining commercial and industrial sectors specialist structures and foundations.


Air-conditioning, mechanical ventilation, steam, compressed air, vacuum and gas services, hot and cold water, sprinklers, domestic and fire services, kitchen equipment, boilers, primarily related to Building and Institutional Projects. 


Lighting and small power distribution, electrical reticulation, building management systems, security systems, standby generators & UPS systems to high rise buildings , shopping centres and institutional projects. Substation design, overhead power line reticulation ( HV & LV) , electrical services and Motor Control systems to Water and Sewage Pump stations.

Technical excellence is at the core of our approach to engineering.